Suavecito Foundation

Santa Ana Flag


Hand Shake

The mission of the Suavecito Foundation is to support, personal development and growth for students, family and community programs in Santa Ana.


The Suavecito Foundation (501c3) a nonprofit organization, was created by the founding members of the Suavecito corporation, with the purpose of contributing to their community by supporting youth development, family and community programs in Santa Ana. Since its start, the Suavecito Foundation has supported a multitude of programs, but their support of the Youth and Government (YAG) has cultivated hundreds of youth leaders within Santa Ana. Our use of a growth model has allowed youth to excel from their starting point to their next level. This model is not based on benchmark performance, but rather focuses on supporting their development from where they are at and supports their development in the areas of social emotional intelligence, confidence and character development.


Group of kids high-fiving

Youth & Government

Youth & Government

In partnership with several organizations and community groups, Youth and Government has been a program that we have supported in which we take youth and use the growth model to develop their understanding of how our local and state government works, while also supporting their civic involvement, through community service projects educational attainment and overall social and emotional development.

Veteran shaking hands with another person

Veteran Support

Veteran Support

We are commitment to supporting Veterans by providing the support that they need to be reintegrated into our community and recognizing their valiant efforts.  We have annual events, designed to bring resources to them, access to programs and reentry programs for their success.

People receiving gifts from the Suavecito Metro Van

Our Culture

Our Culture

Our culture is the cornerstone for our existence. We create events for our community, where we express who we are and what our community represents.  The Suavecito Foundation, is at the forefront of providing pride in our culture and allow each individual to create their own path.  We support and have various events that promote this, some include our Car shows, Thanksgiving event, Dia de los Muertos celebrations, and many more.

Person typing on a laptop

Economic Development

Economic Development

Our goal is not just to create good quality jobs, but to prepare community members for those jobs, by providing training in soft skills, resume preparation, job readiness, internships and apprentice preparation.

Contact Us

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